Wednesday, April 29, 2009

If it ain't broke.......

You know the end - "don't fix it." I think this phrase is one of the worst that I have ever heard. Does it have merit? Sure, in some cases, but not in most. Think about it - if the event that we did last year wasn't broken, why fix it? If the outreach wasn't broken last year, why fix it? If we adopt this as our mantra, what changes?
Sadly, due to pace, a lot of churches adopt this as our party line. "Well, we are busy getting ready for the next thing, so I'll do EXACTLY what I did last year." BUT....... we want to make sure that we have a flashy design and that we inform the church body "better than last time." And we think that this will solve our problem and wonder why attendance at said events stagnates/declines. If I slap a new design and label on an old and stale cookie, who is going to eat the thing? Why would you do things exactly the same? Think on it - do less, do it better, and think about marketing AFTER you have a killer product.

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